Sharon Dawson Sharon Dawson

Eye Exercises

Take a break from staring at your computer and practice Yoga Eye Exercises.  Like any other muscle, the eyes need exercise if they are to be healthy and strong.  I do these in the morning, after I meditate to strengthen my eye muscles and prepare for the day.  The last time I saw my eye doctor, she said my optic nerve was very healthy!  Sit comfortably or lie down.  Breathe deeply and smoothly.  Slowly raise your eyes and look up as far as you can.  Slowly lower your gaze and look down as far as you can.  Keep the movement smooth for three repetitions.  Then look right, look left slowly three times.  Gaze to the upper right-hand corner of your vision, then to the bottom left, slowly three times.  Then gaze to the upper left and bottom right corner for three reps.  Now imagine a large clock.  Look up, to 12:00, then circle slowly, smoothly clockwise for three spins.  Circle the other direction three times.  To complete the exercise, rub your hands together vigorously to generate heat, then cup your hands over your eyes and breathe deeply.  Let the heat and darkness soothe and relax your eyes.  Do this anytime your eyes start to feel tired, especially if you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen. 

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