
Book an appointment.

Private sessions are a great opportunity to ask questions, work on a specific pose, learn how to work with an injury or condition, and develop your home practice. We can meet in person, in the comfort and safety or your own home or in the park. I’m also available for online private sessions. E-mail me at sharonanda@hotmail.com for more information and to schedule a time.

Private Client Testimonials


“We went in yesterday for the results of my latest scan and it showed no new growth.  Great news.  You and the yoga have helped me.  Your exercises after chemo helped wring the toxins out of my body and get over the side effects.  That is tangible success.  The intangible side of it has helped my immune system fight off and heal the cancer in a proactive and positive way.  Thank you very much for the help and support it means a lot to me and to Pam, it obviously helps her in a lot of ways too. With love Al.”

— Allen Rudolph

“Sharon is an amazing instructor ... patient and nurturing while pushing me just a bit every time so that I understand how my body moves to hold the poses even with my shoulder issues and plantar fasciitis. I am excited and feel ready to attend a group class because of the great foundation created with Sharon's help during our private sessions.”

— Sher Amos-Grosser

“I had pretty much stopped exercising because I had such a painful shoulder.  I couldn't lift my hands higher than shoulder height. Sharon told me not to get surgery, but just to try yoga.  She showed me a few simple exercises that I would never have imagined would affect my shoulders--they were mainly for the back--and I kept it up.  I saw her awhile later and I was so excited to show her that not only does my arm go up, it goes around in circles and I got back 90% of my mobility!  Thanks, Sharon, for giving me back my shoulders!  Okay, but now I have no excuse about not exercising!”

— Lexie Bozeman